Commission sheet

Thank you for checking out my page
Here, you will find all the information needed about what I offer, prices, and how to contact me

Full body full render- $45

Bust full render- $20

cleaned bust- $20

chibi- $30

Sketch- $5

Splatoon artstyle- $50

Splatoon icon- $7

Persona 5 icon- $7
❄️Extra notes❄️ Contact me on discord through sleepy_koko or whatever account you have found this page from if you are interested
❄️if you wish for flat colors, that is half the price provided (does not apply to sketches, Splatoon style, or icons)
❄️ Backgrounds can range from simple shadows to something more complex, please ask me about complex backgrounds and I tell you if I can do it or not
❄️ I have the right to refuse a commission for any reason, this is mostly for commissions that I feel I do not have the ability to give justice to the design
❄️ No nsfw
❄️ Payment will be sent after I complete and show the sketch, max 3 complete revisions (aka I have to redraw the whole sketch vs changing an expression or detail) before I charge extra ($5 per 3 revisions), sketches must be paid upfront
❄️ Payment will be made through cash app
❄️ multiple characters in the same drawing will be half the price added on (for example two full body renders together would be $45+ $22.5 and total payment of $67.5)
❄️ the only acceptation to the rule above is ordering multiple icons where the half price will still apply even if the icons are separate